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Installation Foundation of the vertical turbine pump
DATE:2024/11/20 16:35:52
Release Source:China Vertical Turbine Pump Manufacturers and global Pump suppliers Perfect Industry

Installation Foundation of the vertical turbine pump

the vertical turbine pump must be installed, operated and maintained only by personnel who are trained and have sufficient knowledge about the hazards that may occur during such work.

This is a precision piece of equipment and must be treated as such. Proper installation is necessary to obtain maximum service life from the vertical turbine pump. To ensure proper alignment, three items are very important during installation:

1. All machined mating surfaces (such as the mating flanges of the vertical turbine pump and driver) must be clean and free of burrs and nicks. These surfaces must be cleaned thoroughly with scraper, wire brush and emery cloth if necessary, and any nicks or burrs must be removed with a fine file.

2. Exterior strain must not be transmitted to the vertical turbine pump. The most common cause of trouble in this respect is forcing the piping to mate with the vertical turbine pump. It is recommended that flexible connectors are installed in the piping adjacent to the vertical turbine pump when possible. This is especially critical on type VU (underground discharge) units where the discharge could be several feet below the supporting structure and a relatively small strain can cause misalignment.

3. All threads must be checked for damage and repaired if necessary. If filing is required, remove the part from the vertical turbine pump if possible, or arrange a rag to catch all the filings so that they do not fall into other parts of the vertical turbine pump. Clean all threads with wire brush and cleaning solvent. Ends of shafts must be cleaned and any burrs removed since alignment depends on the shaft ends butting squarely. Lubricate all screwed connections with a thread lubricant suitable for steel. Use an anti-galling compound such as “Never- Seez” on stainless and monel mating threads.

• The foundation may be constructed out of any material which can afford permanent, rigid support to the discharge head and can absorb the expected stress that may be encountered during service.

• It is recommended that concrete foundations have anchor bolts installed in sleeves twice the diameter of the bolt to allow alignment with the holes in the mounting plate as illustrated in Figure 5-1, however, sleeves are not required and anchor bolts may be directly installed in concrete.

Installation Foundation of the vertical turbine pump.jpg